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Homeschooling Today: Encouragement + Practical Help Winter '23
breaking free from guilt & setting the right expectations
Winter 2023
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Encouragement for Your Soul title
Infinite Hope

or many of us, 2023 was a bit of a doozy. I know a lot of people who walked through some intense challenges. In fact, for us, this is one of several years in a row of walking in faith and holding onto promises not yet seen. But God is whispering something about the freshness of this new year and His desire to blow away the disappointments of the past.

I love this issue. It’s kind of interesting though. It didn’t go to press when we thought it would, so the timing is a little off. Or is it? Actually, I think it’s right on time to usher us into this new year with some freedom and hope. If you have any area of your life that needs a fresh dose of hope, now is the time. I believe God is in the business of restoring this year. So this is the last issue of our 2023 theme breaking free, and it’s also a new beginning.

The next issue will be focused on stepping in. I wanted to share that with you because I want you to see this issue as a transitional moment where we are breaking free so that we can step in to what God has for us next. It’s going to be a great year! We’re going to see God move in our lives in ways we’ve been waiting on for a long time. His whisper is going forth “you have been faithful to Me, and now I’m coming to show you My hand of faithfulness toward you.”

plant with leaves
With that, let’s jump right into this issue’s theme of breaking free from guilt and setting the right expectations.
Oh guilt. Mom guilt. Dad guilt. A favorite weapon wielded by our enemy. It comes in and brings a weight along with it that can be hard to shake off. Fear is often the next one to jump on board, adding to the weight. Once these two tag team, the heaviness becomes even harder to push away. For me, it’s usually when I wake up in the middle of the night. Thoughts can try to pop up and take hold. Did you play with your kids enough today? Did you get in enough school? Why were you short with your son when he had a question? Couldn’t you have done more?! You know you should really be more organized… like that friend of yours. She did that cute craft with her kids that you didn’t have time for.
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
— Romans 8:1 NIV
Hallelujah! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jesus! He stepped in our place and took on all the guilt that we would ever feel so that we could be free from it. Free to experience growth through the conviction of the Holy Spirit who always connects us to hope, not shame.
Guilt is hopeless and fruitless. Its purpose is simply to weigh you down under a heaviness that feels impossible to move forward under.
The Holy Spirit operates with conviction to change and simultaneously brings hope that the Lord will help you make the change He’s asking of you. It comes at the right time. It won’t feel like a burden; it will feel like a gift. We can’t change everything in one day. Each day provides an opportunity to grow closer to who God has called us to be. And some days we go in the opposite direction. But thank God for redemption and an endless number of second chances. We can just get back up and try again, knowing we’re never separated from His love and devotion to walk alongside us.
Here’s what will enable us to break free from guilt: we need to know which voice is talking. Does it offer hope or make you feel hopeless?
If it doesn’t come with hope, it’s not the Lord.
When He points out an area where we need to change, He always provides help and hope so we can do what He’s asking of us!
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
— James 1:17 NIV
Everything good comes from above. We don’t produce our own goodness. We connect and abide in the one who is always good, and His nature blossoms in us.

God is the caller and the equipper. The author and the finisher. The beginning and the end.

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
— Philippians 2:13 NLT
Do you feel that? The freedom offered here? To simply walk hand in hand with our Savior and listen to Him. He knows what we need. He knows what’s ahead and the areas of change coming next. No need to worry. Simply let go and lean in. And don’t allow any voices of guilt to have a say in your heart or mind. Just His. He’ll be the one lifting you up into truth, not pulling you down.
close up of flowers and plants
Pray with me: “Father, I relinquish any guilt in my life over past or current mistakes to you. It’s not mine to hold onto. Jesus bore it on the cross. In place of guilt, I receive from You your loving correction and wise guidance that is always connected to infinite hope. This is a new year, and I am in a new season. The old is gone, behold the new has come!”
Ashley Wiggers signature
Publisher & Co-Executive Editor
Ashley Wiggers headshot
Our Sponsors make this possible title
Our Sponsors make this possible title
Our greatest goal is to support and encourage homeschoolers. The sponsors you’ll find in these pages provide great resources, tools, and services to keep this community strong.
When it comes to homeschooling boldly, we believe:
  • Healthy relationships provide a strong foundation for all home learning.
  • Children were designed to learn from the day they are born.
  • Each child has a unique blend of learning preferences, talents, and passions.
  • There’s no one-size-fits-all education—including what they should learn and when they should learn it!
  • The more ways kids interact with concepts, the better they understand them.
  • Different seasons of life may require different approaches.
  • Education should be an adventure!
  • YOU are the best teacher for your children.

That’s why we bring you a variety of resources from trusted sponsors and recommended companies we choose to partner with. We hope you’ll check them out!

We want to give you plenty of options so you can decide what will fit your children’s—your family’s—particular needs best.
This Year At-A-Glance breaking free title
Homeschooling Today Spring 2023 cover
Breaking free of a fear of failure
In this issue we’re letting go of perfectionism and basking in the grace of God. Let’s homeschool boldly by changing how we think about failure—embracing it as an opportunity for growth instead!
Homeschooling Today Summer 2023 cover
Breaking free from comparisons
We will struggle to run our races well when we’re being distracted by what the other runners are doing. In this issue, we’re breaking free of comparisons and learning to focus on our own races.
Homeschooling Today Autumn 2023 cover
Breaking free from trying to do it all
There are a lot of myths about education that can keep us from homeschooling boldly. Believing it’s possible to do it all—such as giving our kids a “gap free” education—keeps us from stepping out of our comfort zones. But this issue will help you to de-mystify what it means to homeschool boldly.
Homeschooling Today Winter 2023 cover
Breaking free from guilt & setting the right expectations
Focusing on our mistakes can keep us stuck in the past. Learn to move forward by setting the right expectations and write a new story for your family.
In This Issue: Winter '23 title
person holding the top of a pencil to their chin while they look up
Breaking free from guilt and setting the right expectations. We all get the first part of that, but what are the right expectations?
That’s kind of a hard question to answer. As a matter of fact, there’s not a one-size-fits-all set of them. That’s the key to figuring it out, though. Setting up the right expectations is really about setting them up for your unique family.

Your family may be made up of a group of extroverts, introverts, or a glorious mixture of both. You may have kids with needs that include doctor appointments or physical therapy. And you may have children whose talents and passions require special training and equipment even. Of course, there’s not “one set” of right expectations!

So here are a few questions to ask yourself as you think about what the right expectations for your family are:

  1. Do we have time to nurture relationships with God, one another, and others?
  2. What are our family’s priorities?
  3. How can we balance doing with being?
  4. What does each family member need to fill up their “love bucket”?
Hopefully thinking through these questions will help you as you let go of guilt and start on that path of establishing the right expectations for yourself, your children, and your family as a whole.

This issue is full of both encouragement and practical help to do just that! In Mom to Mom Durenda Wilson shares her own story of feeling guilty as well as the difference between guilt and conviction. And Steve Demme encourages a “new commandment” approach to family in Faith Filled Family—a GREAT foundation for setting the right expectations in your home!

Colleen Kessler reminds us that we can’t do all the things all the time and shares some practical tips for any family, whether you have neurodivergent kids or not. Of course, Jennifer Cabrera combines her classic wisdom with a dose of humor to the topic of letting go of our mistakes. Then Todd Wilson finishes it off with a twist on the parenting book that was all the rage when he and his wife were having children: What to Expect When You’re Expecting. This one is a homeschool edition specifically for dads.

There is so much more. So grab that cup of coffee or tea, find a cozy spot, and get started.
Kay Chance signature
Co-Executive Editor
Kay Chance headshot
Table of Contents
Freedom From Guilt
How to keep calm when your day feels chaotic
Love One Another as God in Christ has Loved Us
Embracing Your Sacred
5 Essential Elements of a Natural Learning Environment
Embracing the Roller Coaster
Verdict: Not Guilty
Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
A Wintry List from Past Issues
Stuck on Stupid…
Pushing Past Paralyzing Homeschool Mistakes
All About the Camera
The Power of Identifying Homeschool Non-Negotiables
Do I need to keep a traditional schedule for my high schooler?
A Winter Wonderland of Resources
What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Homeschool (for Dads)
Frequently Asked Questions About Notebooking
Art & Academics
Not All Degrees are Created Equal
Enhanced – read by the author
Mom to Mom with Durenda Wilson
Freedom From Guilt

ur oldest son loved math. By the time he was in junior high, he had moved beyond my ability to help him. My husband was able to continue assisting him for a little while longer but after that, he was on his own. He was determined to continue moving forward, so he tracked down a math website that was able to give him what we could not.

As a homeschooling mom, it was gratifying to see him so passionate about learning when it came to math. However, language arts was a very different story.

He had two older sisters who loved reading and writing, so he was the first who would rather do just about anything other than reading and writing. The inward battle with guilt over whether or not I was doing enough was real. It felt like a continual push and pull to get him to move forward while not crushing him under the weight of what might be unnecessary. But what was unnecessary? I’m not a college graduate and I had no idea whether our son would go to college or what he would do for a living—although I suspected it would be more math-related than language arts-related. But who really knew? What was important for him to know? There was no sure way to get answers at that moment, but I knew that with seven other children to care for and homeschool, I couldn’t let myself become weighed down with guilt over this. There was too much and too many people at stake.

Enhanced – interview video
Dear Durenda
How do I keep calm when it feels chaotic during the school day?

like calm. I don’t usually enjoy chaos. So remind me again why I had eight kids in thirteen years, five of whom were boys? Actually, I am very grateful to have had our eight kids! No matter how many children you have, there will be times of chaos. Our job isn’t necessarily to always keep a lid on the mayhem, but as moms, we are responsible for the tone in our homes. If there isn’t a certain amount of order, not much can be accomplished.

So do our homes have an overall spirit of peace or chaos and confusion?
Much of it depends on where the chaos is coming from. In order to know that and respond appropriately, we need to ask ourselves a few questions:

1. Is the root of the chaos that my children are out of control? In other words, am I setting and keeping healthy boundaries so that my kids have no doubts about what is acceptable and what is not? Am I being consistent in my discipline?

Enhanced – read by the author
Faith Filled Family typography

with Steve Demme

Big Rocks

on’t know how to set up the right expectations in your homeschool? Begin with the expectation Jesus left with His disciples.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

–John 13:34–35

For most of my decades of parenting I did not have a clear picture of what a godly father looked like. As I have reflected on my vision for parenting, I see that it was a collage of sorts. It was wisdom gleaned from books, seminars, radio broadcasts, and other parents that I respected. In hindsight, I recognize that the biggest contributor to my own parenting was from my parents. I sought to emulate what my folks did well and improve on areas where I think they could have done better.

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Not sure if Lexercise is right for your family?
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Enhanced – read by the author
Real Life Homeschooling
Real-Life Homeschooling typography

Ashley Wiggers

Embracing Your Sacred


e love eating egg-in-a-hole for breakfast. It’s a simple yet tasty way to start the day. Recently, it was such a nice morning here in Florida, my son requested eating our breakfast outside on the back porch. I thought that was a great idea. I encouraged him to clear off the table outside and wipe it down so it was ready for our meal. He accomplished this task and added some candles to it.

It made me stop and appreciate that joy in the simple things, such as having breakfast outside, and making even that a special moment, is being passed on.

Another morning before hubby started work, we all ended up piled on the small couch in our daughter Ruby’s room. Tickles from Daddy always produce giggles and we all had this sense of rest and peace in just being there together.

Don't Miss The Homeschool Boldly Podcast
brought to you by Homeschooling Today
A short weekly message that will encourage your heart, make you laugh, and leave you emboldened for the week ahead.

Join the growing movement of parents who set aside comparisons, take control of their children’s education, choose courage over fear, and let God lead. Parents who homeschool boldly.

white leaf facing left
white leaf facing right
New episodes each Monday @ 6am

Wherever you listen to podcasts or at:

Hosted by Ashley Wiggers, Kay Chance, and Connie Albers
phone with The Homeschool Boldly Podcast playing from it
Enhanced – read by the author

by Kay Chance

5 Essential Elements of a Natural Learning Environment
I love the theme of this issue: breaking free from guilt and setting up the right expectations. One way to set up the right expectations is to intentionally create an atmosphere in your home that nurtures the whole child—heart, mind, and soul.

Often, when it comes to homeschooling, I think we start focusing on academics more than anything else. I know I often slipped into that. We feel compelled to make sure we cover everything (Oh no, they might have gaps!) while keeping the house running smoothly. We even start labeling ourselves with different roles—wife, mom, teacher—and begin acting as if we are three different people.

And because of that, we make things harder than they need to be.

Enhanced – read by the author
Growing Relationships
Through Parenting & Education
Embracing the Roller Coaster

by Connie Albers

Ah the beautiful journey of parenthood! It’s like riding a roller coaster filled with highs, lows, twists, and turns. And let’s be honest—the weight of expectations in this adventure can sometimes discourage us. From maintaining a picture-perfect home to preparing nutritious meals and making sure our little ones feel the love, the demands can be overwhelming. Ever stop to wonder where these expectations come from? Social media, home decor trends, well-meaning advice—they all play a part, creating a constant comparison game that can leave us feeling not quite up for the job. Enter the notorious “mom guilt.”

High school labs and explore camp
Expertly instructed hands-on labs for students
Hands-on summer day camps from a biblical worldview
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Sticky Note(booking) typography
Carrie Fernandez
three snapshots of notebooks
An Easy-To-Use Homeschooling Tool typography on a scrap of blue paper
Carrie Fernandez, the owner and publisher at Daily Skill Building, brings you this featured column—Sticky Note(booking).

She shares how this easy-to-use, flexible tool breathes creativity and life into the way your kids do school.

Frequently Asked Questions About Notebooking


f you are new to the concept of notebooking as a way to homeschool, you probably have questions. Let’s look at some common questions about notebooking. I think you’ll agree, it’s an easy, flexible tool your children will love!

What is Notebooking?

If you’re familiar with journaling, you’re familiar with notebooking. Notebooking usually includes opportunities for your students to write about what they are learning and draw or sketch about it, combining written elements and visual components.
Follow along with the Nature Anatomy Series using our open-and-go Notebook Companions!
Nature Anatomy Series covers
"...The addition of a notebooking journal has made all the difference."  - Shelly pullquote. Now available in print or digital! – Other notebooking and easy-to-use homeschooling resources available.
green bird sitting on banner with flags
Cultivating Little Learners


Kathy Eggers & Lesli Richards
green tree
green trees
“Balanced routines are beneficial for the whole family because they offer stability, free you from that ‘mom guilt,’ and help you maintain the guardrails that will get you where you want to go!
green tree
Verdict: Not Guilty
Do you ever experience “mom guilt”?

many of us find ourselves feeling guilty… that we’ve failed to be the homeschooling supermom we aspire to. We feel like we don’t have enough money, time, wisdom, or patience. We cannot tell you how many times we have sat at “Mom’s Night Out” events and heard or uttered the phrase, “I feel so guilty for _____________.” We put ourselves on trial and declare our guilt.

Let’s just ban that word from our vocabulary because to quote the Princess Bride, “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” Most likely you have not knowingly committed a crime or offense or violated a law. We declare you “NOT GUILTY!”

Enhanced – with website links
10 Ways to Make it Fun
Baby, It's Cold Outside

Trish Corlew

There are plenty of ways to harness the wintry weather outside as inspiration for fun and engaging learning activities. Here are ten ideas to get you started!
1. Explore the Nature of Ice
Ice is seemingly simple when it’s just hanging out in our freezer. However, cold weather and ice outside is magical for kids, and it can naturally prompt their curiosity about weather, temperature, and even states of matter! Lean into that natural curiosity on cold days and try some fun experiments involving ice, like: how to create instant ice, experimenting with rates of freezing, or what happens when you mix ice and salt?

2. Become a Winter Naturalist
Homeschooling parents know how a walk outside can be a powerful reset on rough homeschool days. If your learners are tired of being cooped up in the cold weather, bundle up and go out to explore it! Winter may have transformed your yard into a completely new place. Your learners can take a nature walk, write in a nature journal, or try blowing bubbles in the frigid air!

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Great Books
We believe in the power of story
With books we can…

  • Expand our children’s world to places they might never be able to go
  • Learn about new things, experience other cultures, & travel through time
  • Encounter ideas & thoughts—some that we agree with and some that we do not
  • Initiate discussions & conversations with our kids, or we can simply enjoy a story together
  • Teach language arts skills naturally & appreciate the craft of amazing authors
Our Great Books column celebrates all of these things that we can do with books.
“When you read a book, you are in a mind-to-mind encounter with its author, whether he lived 1000 years ago or lives today. This is the wonder of real books—all kinds of books, not only the serious and factual. Your mind grows through these encounters.”
—Dr. Ruth Beechick
opening curly bracket
closing curly bracket
Winter. With its cozy blankets, fires burning, hot chocolate bubbling… We can’t think of a better time to snuggle up with a good book. That’s why we’re sharing some of our favorite winter reads from past issues!
Owl Moon
Owl moon book
The Three Snow Bears
The Three Snow Bears book
Snowflake Bentley
Snowflake Bentley book
Gingerbread for Liberty
Gingerbread for Liberty front cover
Katy and the Big Snow
Katy and the Big Snow front cover
The Race of the Birkenbeiners
The Race of the Birkenbeiners front cover

Enhanced – check your inbox: for activities in The Monthly Toolkit

The Art of Nature Study
with Tricia Hodges
Welcome to The Art of Nature Study! Each issue features an article by Tricia Hodges about either art or nature study. These two subjects really do go hand-in-hand. Learning doesn’t fit into neat little boxes, so combining them is a wonderful way to show your children how connected everything really is!

With both art and nature study, children develop observational skills and eyes to see the beauty around them. Drawing, painting, and chalk pastels give kids a creative way to fill their nature journals with flowers, trees, birds, and more.

pastels in a box
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you are an artist video art lessons logo
paint brush
Art & Academics
It’s funny what we feel guilty about. We didn’t do enough math or science… or we didn’t do enough art and music. We tend to think about subjects in terms of academic or supplemental ones, and inevitably we worry if we’ve emphasized one over the other.

What if we saw them all as equally important to our children’s education? What if we actually incorporated art into the academic?

It’s so easy to fall into a trap of making everything separate. Most of us grew up that way! But the beauty of homeschooling is this: we can show our kids the connections by how we choose to study the subjects.

Enhanced – read by the author
Black coffee mug
Hifalutin Hints
Caricature of Jennifer Cabrera holding a coffee mug
Jennifer Cabrera
Caricature of Jennifer Cabrera holding a coffee mug
Stuck on Stupid…
Pushing Past Paralyzing Homeschool Mistakes
So you made a mega homeschool mistake. Not just a small blunder such as choosing the wrong math curriculum this year or forgetting to teach Latin accidentally on purpose. I’m talking about the blunders, failures, and choices that feel like real ship sinkers. The kind that haunts your homeschool nightmares, and you hope the kids don’t bring up at co-op or Granny’s house.
“Well, Granny, I’m not sure if I’ve ever written a five-paragraph essay. Let me ask mom. M-O-M! … WHAT’S A PARAGRAPH?!”
Part of homeschooling is overthinking and second-guessing. However, if you are mentally flogging yourself for your screw-ups but doing nothing to right the ship, you are choosing to be stuck on stupid.

Enhanced – check your inbox: for activities in The Monthly Toolkit

Backyard Science title with illustrations of old cameras surrounding it

All About the Camera


ameras allow us to capture and preserve moments in time. We used a camera throughout our homeschooling to fill our science and history notebooks with photos of projects and activities—including a table-sized paper mâché salt dough map and a 2017 solar eclipse party. So many sweet memories we still revisit.

While our phone cameras allow us to capture that wonderful moment of the kids cuddled on the couch listening to a read-aloud or huddled over their first dissection, “old-fashioned” cameras and photography make a fun science and history study.

History of Cameras
The first “camera” was not a portable device like today’s. It was a room or box called a camera obscura, which means “dark room” in Latin. The camera obscura operates on a basic principle of optics. It consists of a darkened room or box with a small hole or aperture on one side. When light from outside passes through the hole, it forms an inverted image of the external scene on the opposite wall or surface inside the darkened space. The size of the hole and the distance from the hole to the projection surface affect the sharpness and brightness of the image.

The basic principles of the pinhole camera can be traced back to ancient China and Greece. Chinese philosopher Mozi (circa 470-391 BC) documented the phenomenon of light passing through a small hole and creating an inverted image on the opposite wall of a dark room. Aristotle (384-322 BC) also described the concept of a dark room with a small hole, which he used to explain how the sun’s rays formed an image during a solar eclipse.

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Parenting Tips for Financial Freedom
Charla McKinley

This past year Charla McKinley of The Artisan of Adulting and Beyond Personal Finance has joined us as a featured columnist. Providing practical help for teaching finances, Charla shares tips for parenting that instill financial wisdom in children and teens in a natural way.

Not All Degrees are Created Equal

remember a time when there was a predominant belief that going to college was the key to achieving the “American Dream.” We know better now. We’ve heard so many stories of young adults with undervalued degrees working in retail while there is a shortage of skilled labor in well-paying trade professions. The fact is, if we don’t help our teens develop a realistic plan to support themselves, they will face heartache and frustration when they are starting a life on their own.

The Real Endgame
I think somewhere along the way we lost sight of the true purpose of college. You go to college to get the skills you need to get a job. Education is not the endgame—a job is.
Stories Are the Language of Our Hearts
Which stories will your children be speaking as they engage the world?
“[These] stories of men and women serving the Lord bravely and faithfully have shaped our hearts and will remain some of our most enduring family memories”
multiple New York Times
bestselling author
Also available in audiobook and ebook formats
Jim Elliot audio books
“[These] stories of men and women serving the Lord bravely and faithfully have shaped our hearts and will remain some of our most enduring family memories”
multiple New York Times
bestselling author
Also available in audiobook and ebook formats
Jim Elliot audio books
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Bible Study Guide For All Ages
Your kids can learn the Bible, understand it, and apply it! All ages study the Bible together, Kids learn how to apply God’s word, Easy-to-use, fun, detailed, Interactive time line and maps!
family of mother, father, son, and daughter looking at book
Enhanced – read by the author
Raising Lifelong Learners
Colleen Kessler, M.Ed.
“We need to remember that homeschooling is personal and we each have the incredible opportunity to create the exact environment we know will help our kids thrive.”
The Power of Identifying Homeschool Non-Negotiables

asked my daughter to take a minute to grab all the trash from the car before she got out and then left her to it while I headed inside to see what the other kids had been up to while their sister and I were gone for a few hours. I’d left a list of schoolwork and chores. On some of these “appointment days” the fourteen and ten-year-olds crushed the to-dos, and on others, my house looked like a tornado hit while I was gone. Today was a tornado day…

Homeschooling is filled with seasons of highs, lows, and everything in between. As a homeschool mom, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to do it all every day and keep the house, kids, meals, and planning perfect in the process. The reality, though, is that no one can do all the things all the time. In the midst of lesson planning, extracurricular activities, household chores, and the myriad of responsibilities that come with being a parent—it’s crucial for homeschool moms to recognize that it’s okay not to do it all every single day. In fact, acknowledging this truth can be liberating and pave the way for a more fulfilling and sustainable homeschooling experience.

High School Helpline title

with Cheryl A. Bastian

Old school fashion vintage style helpline phone with cord and twisted dial in the forest green color
Old school fashion vintage style helpline phone with cord and twisted dial in the forest green color
High School Helpline title

with Cheryl A. Bastian

We’re tackling some of the most common questions parents ask and sharing simple action steps to make it easy.

Do I need to keep a traditional schedule for my high schooler?
Portrait photograph of a teenage boy using a nail gun on a construction site black cover sheet outside a home

knocked on his bedroom door, turned the knob, and opened the door slightly. “Have you completed your geometry today?” My son’s answer challenged my traditional thinking.

“Mom, I discovered if I immerse myself in science for a few hours, I don’t have to start and stop my thinking process. So, I decided to alternate math and science every other day. I’ll work on geometry tomorrow.”
Prior to his explanation, I had a traditional model of learning mindset—one hour of study per day, per subject for the four core courses (English, math, science, and social sciences). When the hypothetical bell rang, we switched classes. I appreciated the predictability of this model; however, my son introduced me to the possibilities of block scheduling—a few hours of study in one subject, breaking as needed.
Sad student with math problems in thinking bubbles
Is your child hating math? Confused? Behind in grades? Escape the frustration.
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No more getting overloaded, exhausted or bored to tears!
Table with globe, school supplies and vase with plant
Math Mammoth Logo
Bookshelf and beyond
Curriculum Consultants

Gina Burmeier & Amber Garcia
Keeping winter as our focus, we had fun highlighting some of our products that are enjoyable, yet provide an element of learning for children.
Paint by numbers

or kids who like to dabble in paint, Painting By Number™ kits by Royal & Langnickel are an excellent winter project kids can take pride in! Painting with these kits is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Aside from creating lovely pictures, these sets are a great way for kids to increase their confidence and experiment with various techniques. These inexpensive sets contain no extra “fluff.” The painting areas are small and there is a lot of mixing of paints involved, so keep that in mind with children on the lower end of the age range. Paint pots in the small and large kits are numbered on the packaging only; keep it handy for reference! Winter Wonderland is a small canvas and shows children building a snowman. Larger portraits include Dancing Snow, a picture of a beautiful reindeer as snow is falling, and Snow Wolf pictures a wolf in a snowy landscape.

3 paint by number pictures, a wolf, a white tailed deer, and children building a snowman with a dog
Bookshelf and beyond
with Curriculum Consultants
Gina Burmeier & Amber Garcia
A young toddler playing with toys on the ground
Keeping winter as our focus, we had fun highlighting some of our products that are enjoyable, yet provide an element of learning for children.
Paint by numbers

or kids who like to dabble in paint, Painting By Number™ kits by Royal & Langnickel are an excellent winter project kids can take pride in! Painting with these kits is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Aside from creating lovely pictures, these sets are a great way for kids to increase their confidence and experiment with various techniques. These inexpensive sets contain no extra “fluff.” The painting areas are small and there is a lot of mixing of paints involved, so keep that in mind with children on the lower end of the age range. Paint pots in the small and large kits are numbered on the packaging only; keep it handy for reference! Winter Wonderland is a small canvas and shows children building a snowman. Larger portraits include Dancing Snow, a picture of a beautiful reindeer as snow is falling, and Snow Wolf pictures a wolf in a snowy landscape.

3 paint by number pictures, a wolf, a white tailed deer, and children building a snowman with a dog
two women sitting at a table with a laptop while scrolling through a catalog
woman who works at Rainbow Resource Center wearing a headset while on a call
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Enhanced – read by the author
The Family Man
with Todd Wilson
What to Expect
When You’re Expecting to Homeschool (for Dads)
baby with mouth open making a face

ife is busy here. Just got back from vacation, and I feel like we’ve had non-stop babies being born since the middle of summer. If you’re keeping track, we’ve had three grandbabies since July and one in the oven due in March.

It seems like only yesterday that we were the ones having babies, and now our babies are having babies. Actually it’s kind of fun watching them navigate the turbulent baby years. We just watch and smile knowing that they’re going to figure it out… just about the time they’re done having babies.

Back in the day, my rule-following wife was researching and reading what she could on how to do it all right. I remember one book that was all the rage at the time that stayed beside her chair called What to Expect When You’re Expecting.

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Homeschooling Today: Encouragement + Practical Help Winter '23
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