by Connie Albers
Ah the beautiful journey of parenthood! It’s like riding a roller coaster filled with highs, lows, twists, and turns. And let’s be honest—the weight of expectations in this adventure can sometimes discourage us. From maintaining a picture-perfect home to preparing nutritious meals and making sure our little ones feel the love, the demands can be overwhelming. Ever stop to wonder where these expectations come from? Social media, home decor trends, well-meaning advice—they all play a part, creating a constant comparison game that can leave us feeling not quite up for the job. Enter the notorious “mom guilt.”
So, what’s the secret sauce for parental expectations? It’s about syncing up with God’s unique plan. Parenting isn’t a group project; it’s about understanding that God has a one-of-a-kind plan crafted just for your family.
This journey we’re on? It’s filled with joy, challenge, triumphs, and setbacks. We’re constantly navigating uncharted waters, all in the name of providing the best for our children. But the real game-changer? Setting the right expectations based on what God asks of us as parents. Our responsibility is to faithfully answer His call and parent our children accordingly, without obsessing over the end results.
We often feel the pressure to be the perfect parent with perfect kids—I’ve been there, too. It sneaks up on you, especially when the older ones hit the tween phase. Personally, I found myself carrying the weight of their behavior, which, truth be told, wasn’t mine to carry.
But shifting our focus from results to faithfulness is a game-changer. While it’s natural to want success for our children, it’s crucial to switch our gaze from tangible outcomes to unwavering faithfulness. God’s got the master plan for our kiddos, and our role is to faithfully fulfill our calling. Forget fixating on grades or achievements; let’s prioritize character. Cultivating virtues like love, kindness, and integrity equips them with the tools to navigate life’s roller coaster.
So how do we accomplish this? It starts and ends with prayer and Scripture memory. This journey is deeply personal, enriched by understanding God’s purpose for us as parents. By infusing our kiddos’ lives with godly values and leading by example, we’re laying a foundation that stays with them, even when they’re no longer under our roof. And trust me, they don’t forget what you’ve taught them.

The toughest part? Trusting and letting go. As they mature, they’ll make choices that might not align with our expectations. It’s time to surrender control and trust in God’s plan, which is why I said everything begins and ends with prayer. And when your children are struggling? Hold on to hope. God is still at work, and your unconditional love is a powerful force. Don’t underestimate God’s ability to work in any situation.