We believe the holidays have spiritual significance as we take the time to say thanks to our God, celebrate the birth of our Savior, and plan—with open hands—the gift of a new year. We also believe that we are not only called to love God, but to love others. And so our focus in this issue is on both those relationships during this holiday season.
- Whether it’s the chaos that can come with the holiday season or just the hard things of life, Ashley encourages you to look up in the eye of the storm where you’ll find peace with some very practical suggestions on how to do just that.
- Tricia Goyer shares about the year their family decided to stop grumbling. Can you imagine the impact that would have on your relationship with God and one another?
- Do you want to walk into the new year with confidence as a homeschool mom? Kim Sorgius will help you make a plan as a family so you can set your year up for success.
- Kay shares practical ways to simplify your holidays while keeping the focus on the most important relationships in your life.
- The holidays are a time for food, faith, and fellowship. In Bookshelf & Beyond, you’ll learn about some incredible resources for focusing on these three things.
- Traditions play such a key role in our holiday celebrations as they strengthen our family bonds. A few of our columnists, as well as our readers, shared some of their favorites. We hope they inspire you to incorporate some this year as well.
- Wendy is all about the fun—as always—and will help you make deeper connections with your family with ideas everyone will enjoy.
- Emily gives you step-by-step instructions for how to make personalized greeting cards… the kind you will want to keep for years to come!

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Carole P. Roman
Collegiate Prep Academy
Creature Crew
Daily Skill Building Farm Notebook
Daily Skill Building Nature Notebook
Diana Craft: “Right Brain” Learning System
Evangel University
Focus on the Family
Great Homeschool Conventions
Northwest Univerisity
Outside the Box Creation
Rainbow Resources
School Mate
Tapestry of Grace
Top Picks Homeschool Curriculum Fair
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett
Unlock Math
Weird Unsoialized Homeschoolers
Ad index
Carole P. Roman
Collegiate Prep Academy
Creature Crew
Daily Skill Building Farm Notebook
Daily Skill Building Nature Notebook
Diana Craft: “Right Brain” Learning System
Evangel University
Focus on the Family
Great Homeschool Conventions
Harding University
Mid-America Christian University
Northwest Univerisity
Outside the Box Creation
Rainbow Resources
School Mate
Tapestry of Grace
Top Picks Homeschool Curriculum Fair
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett
Unlock Math
Weird Unsoialized Homeschoolers

In the Holiday Activity Guide, you’ll find seasonal and holiday activities, an excerpt from Amanda Bennett’s Christmas Unit Study, a chalk pastel art lesson from You Are an Artist and more. So enjoy this time with your family and all the season has to offer as you homeschool boldly!

by Ashley Wiggers
o you ever feel the weight of being overwhelmed? I do. When things begin to stack up and I can’t see through them, it feels paralyzing. I have a hard time getting anything done.
Whether you’re fighting this feeling because of the holiday craze, a family challenge, emotional stress, or physical difficulties, it can give you a sense of being stuck in place. I don’t think I’m alone in this fight, so I wanted to share some thoughts that will help us push back.

ne of my favorite holiday carols goes a little something like this: “Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.” Yet this is easier said than done. Around my house, there are often kids grumbling over who got the more significant piece of pumpkin pie around the Thanksgiving table. Either that or making a list, checking it twice, and then adding to it daily.
Then, when you add unrealistic expectations to the mix, parents get in on the grumbling too. I’ve grumbled when the cookie decorating yields more sprinkles and frosting on the floor than on the cookies. I’ve complained about kids stealing my clear wrapping tape or about buying a stack of Christmas cards, only to have them still sitting on my desk on December 24.

These collaborative Christmas cards are the perfect activity to enjoy while kids are gathered for Thanksgiving or other holiday celebrations. Just be sure to complete them early in the season to allow plenty of time to mail them to your Christmas card list.



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It’s not necessary to plan lots of fancy or elaborate activities—though you can if that’s what you love to do! There are many ways to gather around and enjoy each other’s company, share the blessings you’ve enjoyed over the past year, and get to know each other better.

uring the holiday season, we like to share a way your family can give to organizations, non-profits, or ministries. This year we’d love to introduce you to Asian Christian Academy of India.
ACA models Christian service through the equipping of men and women to be Christian leaders and care for local communities with social service.

As the smell of pine fades and the rush of the holidays becomes quiet, the chilly air blows in a brand new year full of the promise of change. The countdown is on and we can’t help but feel the excitement of change that bubbles over in our New Year’s celebrations.
Change is one of those words that either thrills your soul or gives you hives. For most, welcoming change can be a very uncomfortable thing. Like the Israelites who wanted to go back into slavery rather than navigate the change in circumstances, we’d often much rather suffer where we are than embrace the unknown of change.
And yet, the new year forces its way in each and every year, demanding that we consider the change. My friend, may I challenge you to embrace it this year? Don’t let past doubts cloud your hope. Instead, use this opportunity to continue to grow and change to be more like Christ.

Deanne Crawford & Gina Burmeier
you are ready to create memories with your family and loved ones, what better way than an enjoyable family game? Spending time around the table with a good game builds relationships, teaches kids good sportsmanship, and gets the whole family away from the screen to laugh and have fun together. Your kids will always remember these times and, hopefully, carry on these traditions in their own families.
The holidays are a time for food, faith, and fellowship. Keeping those elements in mind, we’re excited to share some of our favorite games to help you create a memorable holiday for your whole family!

Download Homeschooling Today’s FREE Holiday Planner along with some incredible deals from your favorite companies!

This special offer would make a great gift for your homeschooling friends and family. Every issue of Homeschooling Today is packed with encouragement and practical help.