We’re not a math curriculum.
We’re not a math tutor.

We are your partner
in homeschool math.

If you want truly different
results, try something
truly different.

a young girl smiles with her hand raised while wearing headphones and working on a laptop at a table, books and school supplies lay to the side

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What Makes
LABWay Different?


ased on several years of success overseas, having helped over 10,000 students in southeast Asia, LABWay has just begun to offer its unique math coaching approach to learners in the United States.

A blend of philosophies that borrows from the Socratic method and Singapore Math, LABWay Math has developed a unique approach to math coaching called “Logic b4 Procedure.” This approach is built on the premise that kids need to understand the “why” of math before they can gain mastery over the steps and process of math. This happens mainly through interaction with LABWay trained math coaches and discussion.

* The above excerpt was originally posted on the Hip Homeschool Moms website written by Rachel Lance.


y seven-year-old son, Lincoln, has been coached by one of the LABWay Math team members for the past couple of months and I have to say, it’s remarkable.

They are leading him on a journey of discovery, not one of formulas and procedures. They’re teaching him how to think about math and the why behind concepts. How? For one, they got to know Lincoln from the very beginning, so they are able to use stories and examples that will interest him. And, they meet him where he is on his math journey. Instead of feeding answers, they ask lots of questions and give opportunities for him to draw conclusions.

Children can even do well in math without really understanding anything… for a while. My dad and I were talking about this the other day, and his story illustrates this point so well:

Me: You did well in math initially and learned the procedures, but when you got to algebra what happened?”

Dad: I thought everything had a formula, and if I didn’t have a formula I couldn’t solve the problem. Therefore, when I was confronted with word problems and other problems that needed me to think about solutions, I was lost.

And instead of making A’s like I always did, I was making C’s and B’s. I wasn’t used to that. So I ended up thinking I was just too dumb to understand. But the truth is, I was never taught to think. I was taught to do what I was told to do by the formula.” -Greg Strayer, PhD

ashley wiggers headshot
Ashley Wiggers
(and her seven-year-old son)

Review originally featured in
Homeschooling Today Magazine

ashley wiggers headshot

hile I initially thought LABWay Math would simply offer us a little break from the monotony (which it did), I found it did far more than that. My son saw the marked gains in his understanding of fractions as well as in his ability, confidence, and even his enthusiasm to engage in a conversation about something that’s still relatively new.

We both found renewal by adding LABWay conversations to my son’s math lessons; this new energy rippled out from math into language arts and geography as we both practiced the art of discourse. My son’s increased confidence in academic conversations also rippled out to his interactions with other adults.

If you find your homeschool days are dragging and your well is running a little dry as a mom, consider adding a new approach to learning! LABWay Math might be just the thing for you.

headshot of Rachel Lance
Rachel Lance
(and her ten-year-old son)

Review originally featured on

headshot of Rachel Lance

e initially signed up to do eight weeks of sessions, and when the last session was approaching, my son was VERY disappointed we were stopping. In fact, my son told me, “LABWay has helped me understand and use critical thinking in math, making everything faster.”

The sessions were enjoyable, and the conversations for him were engaging. “One thing I like about the coaches is that they make it fun. It’s never just a math lesson; sometimes it seems more like a game.”

We have decided to extend his coaching time with LABWay Math because he enjoyed them and felt they were helping him gain logic and critical thinking skills he noticed he was using in other areas of his life.

headshot of Elyce Tate

Elyce Tate
(and her sixteen-year-old son)

Review originally featured on

headshot of Elyce Tate

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